Thursday, December 20, 2012

You Never Know...

Hey Fleas!
The Santa countdown is on... 5 days left!  Are you ready? 
I can't wait! 
I spent the day this past Tuesday, at my booth located in 
"The Queen of Hearts" in Alpharetta, GA.   Here's a pic...

BTW... this store was featured in one of a flea market junkies' favorite magazines, 
"Flea Market Style" (2012 Winter Edition), when Ki visited it on her latest Atlanta trip!  SO COOL!

Anyhoo... I had finished "primping" my booth for the week, and found I actually had time to shop! YAY! 
I was picking out some "Annie Sloan" Chalk Paint... Yes! We have someone who carries both that AND "Miss Mustard Seed's" Milk Paint (haven't tried that yet)... when I ran into the most lovely woman.  We got to talking over paint (LOVE Annie Sloan!) and then the discussion led to blogs.  OK... if you're paying any attention at all to me, you know that I am brand new to the "blogworld" in terms of design, you know I have a hard time with the computer, and you know I am moving really 
S-L-O-W! Imagine how my insides felt when the conversation took a turn in this direction! 
She was talking about her blog faves when all of a sudden, the urge to blurt out, "I HAVE A BLOG!" came upon me!  At this point, a million things ran through my head like...

Am I ready to actually admit this?
Am I ready to really put this thing out there?
What if this nice lady could care less?
What if she actually cares, wants to go there and HATES it?
(Do I sound a little "glass half empty" or what?)

WOAH! Thank goodness my mind went on autopilot to balance all this negativity with... 

What if she wants to visit it and LOVES it?
How am I ever going to achieve my dreams if I can't even admit I have a blog?
but most importantly...
You never know what will happen if you don't try?

"I HAVE A BLOG!"  There, I said it!!! WHEW!
And then...

(I'm trying to build suspense here!) 

Here's a pic of the coolest wreath I have seen this Christmas...

Do you love it as much as I do?
Wreath made from vintage 1970's 45's compliments of 
"Thunder Road Music Studios", Roswell, GA,
where my son takes bass guitar lessons... shout out to Matt!!!

Not only did my admission to a blog fall upon VERY interested ears, I got a LOAD of encouragement!
She LOVED my name and told me how easy it would be to remember! (YAY #1!)
She also told me how proud she was of me, and you know what, I'm proud of me, too! (YAY! #2!)
And.. (drumroll, please!), she is the editor of... no, no, no, not day though... 
she told me she could not wait to get home to CHECK IT OUT!!! 
YES! She actually cared! It WAS worth it!
Just goes to show... You never know who you might, in this case, meet!
To my new lady friend (why didn't I ask your name?)...
You will NEVER know how you made my day!
God Bless!

Thanks for reading, fellow fleas!  The blog process is on!
Today, a Facebook class with Jenny!
Wish me luck!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A vintage cross

Hey Fleas!
Spent the morning with my beautiful "sisters" at our bible study's annual Christmas brunch! These ladies are truly THE BEST! This year, the 5 of us agreed to exchange gifts with everyone instead of our normal Pollyanna. I'm super glad we did because all of us were able to bless each other with our talents and love!
Not only was I blessed with wonderful gifts (and DELICIOUS food), but my friend and leader, Caroline, also blessed me with her time! She helped me load the photo you see below of my gift to all... Paperwhite bulbs in a decorated canning jar. SO much fun to make!
Anyhoo... my next step in the blog process is just that... learning how to post pics. So... Here goes...
I wore this necklace I made to our brunch today and it got lots of compliments...
It's made from my collections of vintage keys, filigree and old earrings (rhinestone and the like). And the charm (I LOVE this charm!) is an old Holy Spirit dove from yet another of my infamous collections. No I'm NOT a hoarder! I'm NOT! (Can someone remind Mr. Flea of that, please?!). And even though the necklace is on a new chain made to look old, I like it anyway! What do you think?

Merry Christmas

From a Vintage Flea

Thursday, December 6, 2012

hello, fleas!
i am now working on my blog for the second time!  YAY!  i feel so blessed to be able to finally understand some of the "blog" stuff i didn't understand before (thank you, mr. flea)!  although i am not posting what i really want to yet... photos, travel journals, projects, etc., i know that preparing and taking things one day at a time is how i need to approach this very new and oh, so exciting adventure!

anyhoo... i am really and truly excited about this blog!  i am excited to watch it grow... take off and fly!  I'm dreaming big... i mean B-I-G!  so, i thought i'd share not only the end product, but also the process with all of you.

any journalist will tell you, the best stories answer the 5 W's... who? what? where? when? and why? (yes, i know about the 1 H (how), but i'm ignoring him!)  although this blog is not an adventure in journalism, i still feel it warranted me answering the 5 W's simply for the fact that i need clarity and direction!  so... here is a list of the infamous 5 W's for "a vintage flea"... see what you think...

who is "a vintage flea"?
a truly blessed, 45 year old chick... wife to my hometown honey (mr. flea) and lucky mom to my two BEAUTIFUL children... former middle school teacher... lover of dean martin... coffee... andy warhol... antiquing... NYC... all things christmas... painting... vintage paper... the beach... charleston, sc... my welsh corgi... bread & cheese... getting packages from ebay... napa valley... singing REALLY loud in my car... crafting... moe's chips and queso... my persian cat... janis joplin... all things ITALIAN... and our blessed Lord and Saviour!

who should read "a vintage flea"?
anyone who loves things old, is into arts and crafts... antiquing... booth renting... recycling & repurposing.  it helps to be sentimental and maybe even (at times) a little mental!

what is "a vintage flea"?
a blog where one can relax with some great tunes playing (dean martin for me!), a cup of coffee (cream only) or maybe even a glass of wine (pinot grigio, if you please!) in order relive the past, reminisce, get a few ideas here and there and hopefully get energized for a new day or de-stress after a very long one!

where is "a vintage flea"?
it's a heavenly place and state of mind... a creative outlet, a place to find like minded people in a very busy and crazy world! in reality, however, i blog from my home in the beautiful state of georgia although my heart and soul remain in my home state of new jersey!

when is "a vintage flea"?
hopefully coming to you "live" everyday, but in reality... (insert sigh here)... small steps, so i'll blog whenever i get a chance!

why "a vintage flea"?
because it's high time i quit just talking about what i want to do, how i want a blog, how i want an "etsy" store... "blah, blah blah" and about time i actually DO IT!

there you have it... the 5 W's!  what do you think... wanna join the fun?

until next time...have a vintagefully blessed day!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

IT'S HERE! I've done it... (with LOTS of help!) 
I'm actually posting my first blog as an artist and designer! 
This has been a dream of mine for the longest time, and it is finally happening!!! 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and to me!!!  
Stay tuned for lots of designs, ideas, photos and crazy tales of my life as "a vintage flea"!